The Register-Security

"Change Healthcare attack:  ALPHV bags $22M in bitcoin amid affiliate drama."

Views expressed in this cybersecurity, cyber crime update are those of the reporters and correspondents.  Accessed on 05 March 2024, 1425 UTC.

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Russ Roberts (

The Register – Security

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Don't leave home without … IT security A security failure at a third-party vendor exposed an untold number of American Express card numbers, expiry dates, and other data to persons unknown.…


Penny Appeal sent more than 460,000 texts asking for money to help war-torn countries, no opt out Typically it is energy improvement peddlers or debt help specialists that are disgraced by Britain's data watchdog for spamming unsuspecting households, but the latest entrant in the hall of shame is a charity.…
Claims to protect against DDoS, sensitive data leakage Cloudflare has tweaked its web application firewall (WAF) to add protections for applications using large language models.…
Kim Jong Un's all in for home-built silicon says warning North Korean government spies have broken into the servers of at least two chipmakers and stolen product designs as part of attempts to spur Kim Jong Un's plans for a domestic semiconductor industry, according to Seoul's security agency.…
Officials can't tell whether the tape was edited, but fear Kremlin has more juicy bits to release in the future The German Ministry of Defense (Bundeswehr) has confirmed that a recording of a call between high-ranking officials discussing war efforts in Ukraine, leaked by Russian media, is legitimate.…

MAR 3, 2024

When you can't lock 'em up, lock 'em out Opinion The best cop shows excel at mind games: who's tricking whom, who really wins, and what price they pay. A twist of humor adds to the drama and keeps us hooked. It's rare enough in real life, far less so in the grim meat grinder of cybersecurity, yet sometimes it happens. It's happening right now.…
ALSO: CISA warns Ivanti vuln mitigations might not work, SAML hijack doesn't need ADFS, and crit vulns Infosec in brief The infamous LockBit ransomware gang has been busy in the ten days since an international law enforcement operation took down many of its systems. But despite its posturing, the gang might have suffered more than it's letting on.…
Misinformation is rife, AI makes it easier to create, and 42 percent of the planet’s inhabitants get to vote this year Feature Two US intelligence bigwigs last week issued stark warnings about foreign threats to American election integrity and security – and the nation's ability to counter these adversaries.…



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