
Showing posts with the label CyberHawaii December 2022 Newsletter

CyberHawaii December 2022 Newsletter

CompuGirls Hawaii awarded 2022 ThinkTech Community Service Award. Views expressed in this cybersecurity, cybercrime update are those of the reporters and correspondents.  Accessed on  16 December 2022, 2044 UTC.  Content supplied by email subscription to "CyberHawaiiNewsletter." Source: Please click link or scroll down to read your selections.  Thanks for joining us today. Russ Roberts ( and     December 2022 Newsletter December 16, 2022 CompuGirls Hawaii Awarded 2022 ThinkTech Community Service Award On Dec. 8, Whitney Aragaki, executive director of CompuGirls Hawaii, received the 2022 ThinkTech Hawaii Community Service Award for CompuGirls Hawaii. CompuGirls Hawaii was awarded for its efforts in helping Hawaii students learn about and become competent in STEM, cutting-edge computer systems, information technolo