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"Ukraine D+567:  Investigating the Pegasus attack against Meduza." Views expressed in this cybersecurity, cyber espionage update are those of the reporters and correspondents. Accessed on 14 September 2023, 1529 UTC.  Content provided by email subscription to "" Source: (""). Please click link or scroll down to read your selections. Russ Roberts ( 1 hour ago Ukraine at D+567: Investigating Meduza's Pegasus infestation. The Pegasus attack against Meduza remains unattributed. A representative of the IT Army of Ukraine shares some wartime lessons from the hacktivist auxiliary. Story Sep 13, 2023 Ukraine at D+566: Ukrainian drones and missiles hit naval units in Sevastopol. Ukraine strikes Russian naval units. The US Department of Defense issues a cyber strategy informed by the experience of Russia's war against Ukraine. Story Sep 13, 2023