
"Shields Health breach exposes 2.3M users' data."

Views expressed in this cybersecurity, cybercrime update are those of the reporters and correspondents.  Accessed on 23 April 2023, 1447 UTC.  Content provided by "DarkReading.com."

Source:  https://www.darkreading.com/ ("DarkReading.com").

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Russ Roberts (https://www.hawaiicybersecurityjournal.net).

Latest News

Shields Health Breach Exposes 2.3M Users' Data

The medical imaging firm's systems were compromised by a threat actor, exposing patients' driver's licenses and other identifying information.

North Korea's Kimsuky APT Keeps Growing, Despite Public Outing

Kim Jong Un's Swiss Army knife APT continues to spread its tendrils around the world, showing it's not intimidated by the researchers closing in.

'EvilExtractor' All-in-One Stealer Campaign Targets Windows User Data

An uptick in EvilExtractor activity aims to compromise endpoints to steal browser from targets across Europe and the US, researchers say.

'GhostToken' Opens Google Accounts to Permanent Infection

A bug in how Google Cloud Platform handles OAuth tokens opened the door to Trojan apps that could access anything in users' personal or business Google Drives, Photos, Gmail, and more.

3CX Supply Chain Attack Tied to Financial Trading App Breach

Mandiant found that North Korea's UNC4736 gained initial access on 3CX's network when an employee downloaded a weaponized but legitimately-signed app from Trading Technologies.

Major US CFPB Data Breach Caused by Employee

The sensitivity of the personal information involved in the breach has yet to be determined by agency officials, but it affects 256,000 consumers.

Trigona Ransomware Trolling for 'Poorly Managed' MS-SQL Servers

Vulnerable MS-SQL database servers have external connections and weak account credentials, researchers warn.

'AuKill' Malware Hunts & Kills EDR Processes

Attackers are using custom malware to exploit drivers and terminate security processes so they can deploy ransomware.


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