Security Week News Briefing

Here are the latest cybersecurity news, insights, and analysis from "SecurityWeek News Briefing."

Views expressed in this cybersecurity, cybercrime update are those of the reporters and correspondents.  Accessed on 22 February 2023, 2031 UTC.  Content provided by email subscription to "SecurityWeek News Briefing."

Source: ("SecurityWeek News Briefing").

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Russ Roberts ( and

SecurityWeek News Briefing | Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Today's Cybersecurity News Headlines
eBook: XDR Simplified

eBook: XDR Simplified

What's the difference between Native, Open, and Hybrid XDR? And how it’s filling the gaps for small security teams.

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eBook: XDR Simplified
Matt Wilson

Enterprise Blind Spots and Obsolete Tools – Security Teams Must Evolve

The conventional tools we rely on to defend corporate networks are creating gaps in network visibility and in our capabilities to secure them. (Matt Wilson)

Josh Goldfarb

Application Security Protection for the Masses

While there are many routes to application security, bundles that allow security teams to quickly and easily secure applications and affect security posture in a self-service manner are becoming increasingly popular. (Joshua Goldfarb)

eBook: XDR Simplified

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