SecurityWeek Briefing

"Tesla hack earns $200,000 award at PwnOwn 2024."

Views expressed in this cybersecurity, cyber crime update are those of the reporters and correspondents.  Accessed on 21 March 2024, 2008 UTC.

Content and Source: Briefing.

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Thursday, March 21, 2024


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SecurityWeek Expert Insights

Risk and Regulation: Preparing for the Era of Cybersecurity Compliance The next twelve months will see the implementation of several regulations designed to improve cybersecurity standards across various industries. (Marc Solomon)

Preparing Society for AI-Driven Disinformation in the 2024 Election Cycle - The rapid evolution of AI and analytics engines will put campaign-year disinformation into hyperspeed in terms of false content creation, dissemination and impact. (Rik Ferguson)

Shadow AI – Should I be Worried? - Overzealous policies and blanket bans on AI tools risk forcing users underground to use unknown tools with unknown consequences. (Alastair Paterson)

How Traffic, State, and Organizational Data Help Fortify Your Network - Traffic data is the lifeblood of network security, representing the raw, unfiltered truth of what is happening on the network. (Matt Wilson)

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